I Gave Myself an Unscheduled "Bye Week"
Mostly because I dropped the ball. Like my football metaphors?
Hey, guys! Did I use those sports terms correctly? Listen, I’m only a “football fan” because I’m a Swiftie, and by “football fan” I mean that I only watch one team (The Chiefs), and by “team,” I mean Travis Kelce. There. I said it.
I went out of town last weekend, and it was glorious. Instead of working on my column at the airport Sunday night, I took the evening off. I had a French 75 (my favorite cocktail) and a Cobb salad, and I listened to my favorite playlist and accomplished jack squat.
I’m brewing all kinds of ideas for next week’s column, and I am also working on a book review for you guys as I’ve been reading an absolutely incredible book by the incomparable
. If you enjoy reading my column, I think odds are good you’re going to love this book: Sexism and Sensibility. If you don’t want to wait for my review, you can order it right now and read along with me!In the meantime, while I park my great ideas in the Creative Parking Lot of my brain, here is this week’s column. It’s just a list of things I’m doing—please don’t hate me.
I really do love connecting with you all in the myriad corners of my life, whether it’s writing online together, commiserating about ADHD via the Mother Plus Podcast, meeting up at a local comedy or storytelling show, or recharging our collective batteries with sound, movement, meditation, and journaling.
Every single day I feel lucky that it is my actual job to connect with women. To create with them, to collaborate with them, to curate their words, and to learn and grow together. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for being “my people” as I have rebuilt my life from the ground up during my Reclamation Era.
FREE Rituals Week with the Mother Plus Podcast
If you are a mom with ADHD, or even identify with some neurodivergent tendencies (difficulty staying focused, struggling with executive functioning, being an idea machine, challenges completing tasks that aren’t interesting to you, super busy brain), we have a week of daily rituals coming your way starting on Wednesday! We’ll guide you through meditations, tapping (EFT) practices, journal prompts, and more. It’s going to be sort of the antithesis of the “5-day challenge” concept, because we are actually aiming for less challenge and more ease. It’s FREE, so sign up here and join us in the FB group for Rituals Week!
Comedy Coven: 10/25
Comedy Coven is this Friday! Do you live in driving distance of Boulder, CO? Then gather up your own coven and get to the Dairy Center on Friday to celebrate women in comedy and laugh with us about motherhood, midlife, ADHD, divorce, menopause, and so very many things you would never believe women would talk about on stage. You’ll love it. You can grab tickets here, and if you want a deep dive into why supporting women in stand-up is a big deal, read this post.
Nourish Your Creative Fire: 11/6
Michele and I moved this beautiful event to Wednesday, November 6th to accomodate more women’s schedules. It’s at Sunny Isle Yoga in Arvada, and from 7-9 pm, we are going to dig deep into replenishment, creativity, and connection. Michele is a sound healer, and part of our time includes a luscious sound bath with her singing bowls. We’ll move our bodies, meditate, journal, vocalize, connect, and remember our own beautiful selves through ritual, creation, and listening.
This month’s workshop focuses on untangling generational patterns and doing a deep dive into our own ancestry, motherhood, and what we want to keep/compost that has been handed down to us by the women who came before us. It’s going to be juicy, grounding, invigorating, and cathartic. You don’t want to miss this special, beautiful gathering, so reserve your spot ASAP here.
Listen To Your Mother Boulder Holiday Show 11/20
This 90-minute live show celebrates diverse holiday traditions through the power of storytelling with our trademark LTYM humor and honesty, and is the perfect way to kick off the holiday season.
Tickets for the show are officially on sale! You can grab yours here. The holiday show takes place at the Dairy Arts Center in Boulder—this is a more intimate venue than our spring show and we anticipate that it will sell out well in advance. So don’t wait and grab yours now!
Thank you for humoring my “bye week” where I share all the stuff I’ve been up to, and I’ll be back next week with some actual content. 😉
Steph thank you for this lovely shoutout of Sexism & Sensibility!! Truly❤️. I can’t wait for the review! And once again I am wondering why I don’t live closer to Boulder for all these great events.
One day I'll write an essay about becoming the unlikeliest fantasy football team owner ever... team name is She-rah Princess of Sportsball, and TK was my TE last season! Enjoy your bye week.