Thank you for the mention, Steph! You are doing amazing things here and with HerStories/Midstack, we are lucky to have you in our midst talking about parroticide, even. ;) We've all entertained passing thoughts of murder of an innocent creature. The mother trucking blue jays and the way their calls seem specifically designed to pierce through my thin veil of sleep, for instance. Those little bastards.

To add to your point, though, it's not only that we can take a break from informing and advocating and supporting and protesting to look for good things around us, it's that we can also be putting out art into the world that informs, advocates, supports, and protests BY looking for good things in our days. I'm starting to see this work as an act of protest against a world gone crazy.

Oh you think world war three is imminent? Yeah? Well have you ever REALLY LOOKED at the details of a milkweed pod just bursting with seeds? It is infinity in gray brown crackly shell. Inflation is rising? Here is a cat trying to attack a squirrel through glass. Worldwide problems with solutions to remote and unreachable? Today I put on a sweatshirt while it was still warm from the dryer. It felt fantastic.

Your words of joy about your weekend roaming (and my own envy at the warmth. It blitzed way back below zero here again this weekend!) filled me up today. That's what we do. That's why it's worth it and why what we say matters. Because in the end, the warm weight of a sleeping pet on your lap is the whole point of this living thing.

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Thank you for that! I love and wholly agree with all your thoughts on this.

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I managed to include a picture of milkweed seed pods bursting forth in today’s list. :) Thanks for the inspiration.

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I can't wait for the March incubator to start!

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