When my daughter called me the night of the election in 2016 and asked "What are we going to do?", I told her we would go to sleep and wake up the next morning and start to fight like hell to correct the wrong in 2020. I had no advice for her last night and don't know if I ever will again. The whole "stay positive and just breathe" thing? Yeah, no...it just all feels so incredibly sad. I've have never felt so defeated, not even through 2 very difficult divorces. My grandmother and mother raised me to be a fierce, strong, action forward woman. I definitely do not see the path to remaining one when over 50% of the country doesn't believe in what the rest of us truly believed to be our fundamental rights. 😞

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Your last sentence says it all.

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Out of words. And completely numb. We already know what is in store for us again. And this country chose him anyway. And now we’re likely to have two more Supreme Court justices appointed by him. 34 felonies. Won’t ever want to step down. But it’s fine. It’s all fine. It’s just politics. It’s just our lives and rights and freedom. NBD. Maybe I’m not out of words. I just can’t say them out loud yet. I’ve been silent all morning.

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Every single word of that. My entire body hurts. This pain is too much to contain to my mind and heart.

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