Omg your standup is amazing! I love love love. Now back to dinners and low bar-ing it single mom (or any mom) style. Forget homemade. Forget Pinterest. We have “fend for yourself dinners” at my house, and while I do have to cook more than I’d like bc my oldest has celiac, I’m more than happy to cheat, cut corners, whenever possible. And I dumped holiday cards several yesss ago and never looked back 😂 hang in there, my friend, cause you are gonna be just fine, more than that. Cause you are FREE.
What a beautiful video!
That video was EVERYTHING
You are a shining light and I love you!
Omg your standup is amazing! I love love love. Now back to dinners and low bar-ing it single mom (or any mom) style. Forget homemade. Forget Pinterest. We have “fend for yourself dinners” at my house, and while I do have to cook more than I’d like bc my oldest has celiac, I’m more than happy to cheat, cut corners, whenever possible. And I dumped holiday cards several yesss ago and never looked back 😂 hang in there, my friend, cause you are gonna be just fine, more than that. Cause you are FREE.