I am a baby/toddler person - I love babies, I grin if the person sitting next to me on the plan has a wee little person in their lap. I want to hold all the babies. But... oh my god, do I love parenting older kids. It has been the best surprise of my parenting life how much I freaking love parenting teenagers. There is angst and worry sometimes, sure, but these bigger kids are so good and interesting.

Also 9am middle school start time is dreamy. My 7th grader would kill for that right now.

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That blog post about taking your kids to the pool--Was there a line in it, something like, "the sweet spot?" If it's the same one that I'm thinking of, there was a line about pushing off the side of the pool and the feeling of moving through the water without the effort, comparing that to this stage of parenthood, after the hard years of diapering and feeding and toddlers, and before the hard years of hormonal teenagers. Does this sound like the same post?

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