I'm all about the platonic bestie bonds. I was surprised at how much I missed these "weak ties" during the pandemic. LOVE to be part of/witness to your uplifting of other women's voices and experiences.
Love this so much - “ Making platonic soulmates and bathroom best friends provides an integral sense of safety to my nervous system: These women have your back.” So happy to have you as a new workshop best friend! And I’m thrilled to be part of Midstack, the virtual bathroom line we all needed.
I'm all about the platonic bestie bonds. I was surprised at how much I missed these "weak ties" during the pandemic. LOVE to be part of/witness to your uplifting of other women's voices and experiences.
Love this so much - “ Making platonic soulmates and bathroom best friends provides an integral sense of safety to my nervous system: These women have your back.” So happy to have you as a new workshop best friend! And I’m thrilled to be part of Midstack, the virtual bathroom line we all needed.