I’m toying with “Let them.” Rather like the parent of a stubborn teen with bad ideas. Maybe the country needs to well and truly fall apart. I worry about the people who will die/be hurt as a result and some proportion of those folks will be getting exactly what they voted for. Even Christ pitched a fit when tax collectors and money lenders set up shop in the temple.

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Hi Steph. gosh, I relate to so much of what you wrote. The "I will never forgive you for this" part I went through 8 years ago and have largely moved on from (not that I've forgiven necessarily, but I don't dwell on the anger and I'm not friends with most of those people). But the rest - how DO we make a difference locally? How COULD we be better at messaging? How do we fight the massive disinformation campaign that's been going on for decades? How do we interact with people? SHOULD we even? It's a lot to process and consider. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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To me, even if people say they voted for Trump for reasons other than his social platform, the truth is that for 52% of the population, it was not a dealbreaker to vote for a bigot/ rapist/ convicted felon. I can’t make it make sense. So, just here in your echo chamber with you.

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So as to not get kicked out of your substack, I voted for Harris, but I live in a red state, most of my co workers are trump supporters:

Most GOP voters abandoned religious voting in 2016. "I'm voting for my president, not my preacher" was the parlance of the time. So religion wasn't a big part of this election. Furthermore, the average Christian in America uses the bible to justify their beliefs and actions, not just the life of Jesus.

Most trump supporters do not believe that he actually raped anyone, and the allegations and charges were weaponized DOJ. They have even been quoted saying that E Jean Carroll wasn't pretty enough to rape...so most of them are looking through the lens that rape is about sexual indulgence, and not hatred of women.

Most of them believe that post birth abortion is a thing, they don't accept the fact that only about 1% of abortions occur in the 3rd trimester, most of them think that child actually dress up like cats and poop in litter boxes at school, that their sons are being told to be girls when they go to school, that whites are a minority in this country, that somewhere between 30-75% of the country is LGBTQ...

And to be clear, I am not saying these are facts, only that these are the ideas that fuel their movement.

The GOP has done a better job of turning the politics into a football game, and their base just wants to win, even to their own detriment.

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