When I was in grad school and in the midst of a deep conversation about some topic related to diversity and equity (imagine! a grad school where we could talk about that! and nobody reported us to the authorities!) and someone literally changed my entire worldview when they remarked that "inequities are never accidental because systems are designed to keep getting us the same result, over and over" and that you can't change things for real without changing the system that supports that thing.

I think midlife is where so many of us get the "you know what? Fuck this system" point in our life and we start making some big disruptions. I think our ability to do that sometimes comes from seeing the other women in our life get to that same point. We see the system best when we realize we're all under it, I think, and we feel the bravest to disrupt it when we know we aren't doing it alone.

(Also, if anyone is on the fence about doing one of these groups with Steph - DO IT. She's the actual best)

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You're the second person I've encountered this past week who mentioned The Artist's Way. I had that book for a good twenty years, if not longer, and aside from Morning Pages (which I've done on and off and am currently on again for the last several months), the book didn't resonate with me, so about five years ago I finally gave it away. But I wonder... is this a sign to re-read it? Perhaps take a copy out of the library?

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